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Tuesday 16 August 2011

Disaster averted

Disaster narrowly avoided yesterday: All appeared normal in the incubator, but concern began to mount when it seemed that the eggs had not moved in some time. An early evening check of the turning mechanism revealed that the crank which pushes the tray back and forward across the incubator was stuck "top dead centre". Thankfully a gentle nudge of the roller tray had the eggs once again sauntering across the machine.

Once we were sure that everything was back to normal, a debriefing session was held and some consideration given to turning the eggs manually. There were concerns that this would mean getting up every two hours in the night to turn the eggs, but it appears that the normal procedure is to turn them once after every meal (breakfast dinner, tea), then once more before going to bed. For now, though it was decided to continue with automatic turning, but to keep a close eye on the mechanism to make sure all is working as it should be.

Hopefully the eggs will be none the worse for their slightly longer than usual inactivity.

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