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Friday 2 September 2011

Day 22: hatching live blog

It looks like things are starting to happen. We'll try to keep up to date with hatching as it happens (family visits and shed construction permitting).

2359: Confusion reigns due to the antics of number 8, which has turned over all the other eggs. Number 9 hatched at around 11pm, but looks weak. Number 2 looks more hopeful and should hatch very soon. Number 5 pipped at some stage earlier in the evening.

2049: Nothing new. Number 8 is till charging around the incubator knocking the other eggs flying and cheeping away. 2,6,7,9 & 12 have all pipped, but gone no further toward breaking out.

1559: Number eight is alternating between dozing and storming about in the incubator. Number 2 is sticking its beak out of the egg shell and chatting loudly to number 8.

We have a winner! Chick number 8 breaks out.
1515 Number 8 has broken out and started bumbling about in the incubator, revealing in the process that number 9 has also pipped on the underside of the shell.

1220: Number 2 has pipped. Number 6 rocking and cheeping.

1050: Number 6 has pipped, possibly in response to a  French accordion medley.

1024: Number 4 looking agitated. Movement from number7 also.

0957: Number 6 wobbling about a lot.

0935: Number 8 cheeping in response to "mother hen" noises. No signs of movement from any of the other eggs yet.

0800: Number 8 has pipped (made a hole in the shell). Cheeping from inside number 4, though it has yet to pip.

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