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Tuesday 6 September 2011

The Magnificent Seven

As predicted, the 100% record didn't hold up. Number 12 chick failed to absorb its yolk properly, as well as having what looked to be problems around the vent and with one foot. Despite this, it initially looked lively,  but soon weakened and died on Sunday having never made it out of the incubator.

The number 7, however, which looked like it had similarly failed to absorb the yolk at hatching, made good progress overnight and transferred to the brooder without a problem. While it looked tiny in comparison to the others when first moved over, it has caught up quickly and we are now hard put to tell it apart.

Thus, we now have seven chicks happily charging around in the guinea pig cage, all feeding and drinking without problem.

Update: Ben has just looked at this post and suggests that it is not a good idea to refer to them as the "Magnificent Seven", as only two of their namesakes survived in the film. I will be taking measures to ensure that this bunch don't attempt to ride to the rescue of any Mexican villages, however.

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